Have I broken a mirror or something?

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I've been having a real run of rotten luck lately. Now granted, I have my health, my limbs, and nothing I own is under water right now so this is all in perspective. Still...

For example at the moment my car has two signal lights not working (I replaced the bulbs and that didn't help, so it may be a fuse). My horn hasn't worked since spring (also probably a fuse). Various screws have been popping out of where they should be because the threads in the holes are worn to nothing. My drivers door (the important one) can only be opened from the outside. It occasionally has problems with stalling when it comes to a stop. And as of yesterday, the infamous clutch problem seems to have returned. (I'm going to blame that one on jinx. I stopped at the shop on Tuesday and two of the mechanics asked how it was doing. I said it was fine. Ha!) I keep waiting to see if any new and interesting symptoms are going to add themselves to the stew.

In the meantime, I've started to research late-model used cars, since new is out of my budget. Let's hope that the Jeep keeps running until I can do something about it.

Want to place any bets?

1 Comment

Aren't you afraid you'll be sitting at a traffic light one day and it will fall into a heap around you, leaving you standing there with the steering wheel in your hand? LOL.

Congratulations on a great blog. I especially like your galleries. ("Nowhere But Up" is my favorite).


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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on October 1, 2005 12:21 AM.

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