Getting the tattoo was

Getting the tattoo was interesting, to say the least. Even getting to the parlor was a challenge. I discovered (after getting there) that the Monroe Street location had been closed. I then drove to the downtown shop, only to have to wait at a stoplight for several minutes while a parade of protestors to the U.S. Conference of Mayors went by. However, once I got in, things went quickly. I was there for no more than 20 minutes, tops.

The tattooing itself hurt like the blazes. I think it really does compare to fire. Still, I didn't get twitchy or anything, and it was over quickly. After all, I've been through a lot of things that hurt: distance running, dental work, having packing removed from my sinuses post-surgery....ow. The pain has diminished to pretty much nothing now. It is just a flesh wound, as the Black Knight would say.

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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on June 15, 2002 11:18 PM.

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