I was in a

I was in a really good mood until approximately five minutes ago. The sun is still shining, though it isn't warm. I had a good day teaching. My cold is finally receding to more respectable levels of crappiness, and I was going to be getting the apartment I have been wanting for two years.

I saw this apartment in the spring of 2000, and loved it on the spot, but my roommate-to-be was less than enthused so we went elsewhere. I, however, continued to dream of it. When the landlords and the place that *she* wanted refused to renew the lease for the next year (and she had popped off out of the city) I tried again, but there were no vacancies. As soon as I knew that I was looking for an apartment again, I dug up the number and called. I was told that if they got any openings for August they would let me know.

This Wednesday, I got a phone call from the landlord--he had an opening for August! I couldn't come out that very night, but I told him that I wanted to make an appointment to come by, look at it again and take care of the paperwork. I definatey wanted the apartment. He said he would get ahold of the current tenant, and find out when would be a good time to see the place. I should call him back in a couple of days. Thursday dragged by, and I raced home tonight to call him back and make the appointment. I called and....the apartment had already been rented. !?! He asked if I wanted him to let me know if any other openings turned up. I weakly said yes and hung up. Sometimes, there's just no winning.

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This page contains a single entry by Kayjayoh published on April 26, 2002 4:19 PM.

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